
The Tree Widget can be used to create trees with nodes that can be expanded and collapsed.

Editing Tree Nodes

To add a tree node, right-click on a node in the tree and select Add->Add Child, Add Sibling Before, or Add Sibling After.

To move a tree node, right-click on a node in the tree and select Move->Move Up, Move Down, Indent, or Outdent.

To delete a tree node, right-click on a node in the tree and select Delete Node.

Tree Properties

Properties such as Expand/Collapse icon options can be edited by right clicking on the tree widget and selecting Edit Tree Properties.

Additional options can be edited by right-clicking on the tree widget and using the context menu.

Tree Interactions

Interactions can be added to tree nodes by selecting the node and adding a case to the OnClick event.

You can also dynamically expand and collapse tree nodes using the actions Expand Tree Node(s) and Collapse Tree Node(s).
